Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Abby

Eight years old...

I have always compared my kids personalities to their labor and delivery...With Logan it was a day full of pain...Kadee she was just lazily waiting for someone to make her come into the world (i had to be started) cool, calm and collect...Then there came Abby...I worked all day and was having some pains but nothing I thought to worry about after all I was going to be started the next day...WELL I get home from work and am getting everything in order for the next day when all of the sudden my water breaks...Scared the crap out of me...and to top it all off Gary was 45 mins away at a golf tournement...he doesn't answer his phone but luckily he was with my dad and he did answer. By the time Gary got there I was having ALOT of contractions and they HURT...I thought for sure we weren't going to make it in time for an the hospital we were standing in LINE to be admitted...more we got moved to the front of the line within 45 mins I had my epidural (thankfully) and another hour Abby was here.

Its been like that with her ever never know what your going to get...or what she is going to try next. The first 2 years I could not keep her out of the dirt...she loved eating it.

Loves Dirt !!! YUMMY!!!

Then there was the treadmill thing...once again doing something she should not...she turned it on and got thrown off the back...when she put her hands on the tread to try and stand up they were sucked into the tread giving her really bad burns on her hand and some really good SKID marks on the treadmill. She had to have skin graphs to repair the skin...but she was given some really good medicine for the pain!!! We had to give it to her every night an hour before changing the dressing on her hands...well one day her hands were hurting in the middle of the day so I was just going to give her Tylenol...she told me "No I want the good stuff" !!! Does this worry me !!! YES !!!

Treadmills are hard on the hands too !!!

She is always up to broken bones...but she has lost 2 fingernails...and 3 toenails...all from messing around with things she shouldn't.

But we love her anyway...she certainly keeps life interesting!!!

Abbys favorite things...Hannah Montana...Taylor Swift...salad...babies...chips and salsa...Disney Channel...playing in the with ranch...reading...swimming...playing with babies

Mommy Abby

Tumbling recital

Abbys dislikes...not being the boss...Logan (its a big brother thing)...mosquitos(very allergic)...


Tiffany said...

Oh Lori she is beautiful! Happy Birthday Abby!
It sounds like she must take after her dad... (lol) But she gets her looks from her Mom. Lucky Girl!

Jake and Whitney said...

Sassy Abby she is so funny and cute. That picture of her with her hands makes me sad I felt so bad for her when that happened. (I think I felt worse for Lisa though.) Brylee loves eating dirt too those pictures remind me of her it must be in their blood or something.

Lori said...

I definatly felt worse for Lisa...I still do...hope this doesnt make her think about it all over again !!!

Lindsey said...

Crazy Abby, who knew she would grow up to be such a stinker? Love the pictures she was such a cute baby. I remember babysitting her & I would have to lay down with her until she fell asleep, then sneak out of the room. When she asked where I got that milk from...UH ask your mom! Hmm I'll have to tell my mom Diet Dr. Pepper does taste like regular Dr. Pepper. She is such a fun girl, love her.

Huffstuff said...

Happy Birthday Abby! She definately has kept your lives full of fun. I can't believe your baby is 8. She is a beautiful one.

The Harward Family said...

Abby Gene. Love that girl. She is one of a kind! (Thank heavens!)Don't worry I don't feel worse about the treadmill. Though I can never forget. Truly, the worse day. Abby still likes me though so that's all that matters!