Saturday, August 23, 2008

A star on the horizon ?

When I got home from work the other day Abby comes running up to me all excited to tell me something...She and Kadee made a "recording studio". I kinda just blew her off because I was in a hurry to get dinner on the table. So a little while later I found her in her room a.k.a "recording studio" I had to go to my room to laugh...She had taken my old vacuum, open the top and stuck a strainer (microphone) in the top then she got the head phones from their mini dvd player that along with her mp3 player she was set to go !!! Kids and their imaginations...oh and by the way if you see her don't mention this blog...after I took the picture she was really mad...she is afraid she will be teased !!! She made Kadee make one as well...I cant remember who was Hannah or which one was Carrie Underwood.

I know Kadee is going to be so glad to be back in school so she wont have to bossed around by Abby any more !!! Wonder where she gets that from ??? Given the comments Lacee left on my memories blog i'm wondering if I was that bossy when I was young !!! If so I TRULY apologize to everyone of you who were bossed by me!!!


laceemo3 said...

Ok thats FUNNY!!!! We loved being bossed around by you Lori we couldnt wait to go to grandmas and see what you and shaleece had for us to do this time! I love the creativity in your girls wow I think you may have a little diva on your hands.

Jake and Whitney said...

hahahahaha that is too funny. Your girls crack me up. They always are up to something funny.

Lindsey said...

That is so Abby,I Love It! She is one sassy chica but you gotta love her!